Finden Sie schnell led products für Ihr Unternehmen: 13 Ergebnisse

PRODUKTE FÜR ULTRAVIOLETTE UND SICHTBARE STRAHLUNG - optische Messtechnik/ UV Sensor/ UV Radiometer/ UV Meter/ Spektrometer

PRODUKTE FÜR ULTRAVIOLETTE UND SICHTBARE STRAHLUNG - optische Messtechnik/ UV Sensor/ UV Radiometer/ UV Meter/ Spektrometer

PRODUKTE FÜR ULTRAVIOLETTE UND SICHTBARE STRAHLUNG Wir entwickeln und fertigen innovative Produkte im Bereich der optischen Messtechnik. So meisterten unsere Ingenieure zum Beispiel die Realisierung des weltweit flachsten Spektralradiometers. Dieses UVpad, ein einfach zu bedienendes Messgerät, kann in UV-Härtungsanlagen mit Lampenleistungen bis zu 40 kW eingesetzt werden. Darüber hinaus bieten wir komplette Bestrahlungskammern und ein umfangreiches Sortiment an UV-Messtechnik. Sie benötigen eine Sonderlösung? In unserer betriebsinternen Produktion setzen wir kundenspezifische Anforderungen termintreu und präzise um. BESTRAHLUNGSKAMMERN UV-Härten, UV-Kleben UV-Sterilisation Photochemie Photostabilitätstests und Alterung Bestrahlung von Bakterien und Sporen LICHT UND UV-SENSOREN Dosiskontrolle bei der UV-Härtung und Klebung Überwachung von UV-Bestrahlungsanlagen Kontrolle von Entkeimungsanlagen in der Verpackungsindustrie Detekoren für die UV-C Wasserentkeimung, UV-C-Abwasserbehandung Messung der Arbeitsplatzsicherheit bei künstlicher optischer Strahlung RADIOMETER Messung der Bestrahlungsstärken von Lampen und Bestrahlungsanlagen Messung von UV-Strahlern, UV-LEDs & Lichtquellen Dosismessungen Qualitätssicherung in der UV-Härtung und UV-Klebung Messung zur Arbeitsplatzsicherheit SPEKTROMETER Spektroradiometrie Transmissionsmessung Reflexion, diffuse Reflexion Farbmessung und lichtechnische Messungen UV-LED-LICHTQUELLEN Hochleistungs-UV-LEDs Flächenstrahler Spot-Lichtquellen UV-LED für Klebungen UV-LICHTQUELLEN Punktlichtquellen Spot-Curing-Systeme UV-Handlampen Leuchttische ULBRICHTKUGELN Messung von Lichtstrom bzw. Strahlungsfluss Messung von Lampen, LED, OLED und Lichtleitern Messung der diffusen Reflexion / Transmission Homogene Lichtquellen Einkoppeloptik für Spektrometer (Detektor) PHOTOMETER Nachweis von organischen Verunreinigungen, Trübung und Ozon in Wasser Materialprüfung für Laserschweißen Prozeßkontrolle für Glas-, Kristall oder Kunststoffplatten Überwachung von Wasseraufbereitung und Abwasser Transmissionsmessungen in Gewässern und Abwässern PROFITIEREN SIE VON UNSERER ERFAHRUNG AUS ZAHLREICHEN ERFOLGREICH ABGESCHLOSSENEN PROJEKTEN. HIER EINIGE BEISPIELE: UV-Polymerisationsanlagen UV-Lacktrockner UV-Desinfektion von Wasser, Lebensmitteln und Pharmaprodukten Qualitätssicherung in der Lampenfertigung Messanlagen für LED und Displaytechnik Chlorgasmessung Straßenbeleuchtungskontrolle Qualitätssicherung bei der Datenträgerproduktion Wir sind Ihr Ansprechpartner für: UV Messgerät/ UV Messgeräte UV Sensor/ UV Sensoren UV-Strahlung messen Spektralradiometer UV Radiometer UVA UVB UVC UV Meter Ultraviolett Spektrometer UV-LED-Systeme UV LED UV Licht 365 nm UV-LED Lichtquelle UV Lampe kleben UV Härtung UV Aushärtung UV-Kleben UV-Systeme Ulbrichtkugel UV-Kammern UV-Prüfkammern UV Alterung UV-Härtungskammern UV-Simulationskammern UV-Intensitätstests UV Testkammer UV Bestrahlungskammer
DIGESTION : Manufacturing of food supplement with biotics in Full-service

DIGESTION : Manufacturing of food supplement with biotics in Full-service

A complete FULL-SERVICE OFFER for food supplement with biotics for DIGESTION (Digestive comfort, IBS, Antibiotics, Flash...) - Tailor-made and ready-to-market formulas - Available in : - Capsules (in blisters or bottles) - Powder in sticks - Oily bases in bottles with droper - Wide-ranging sourcing of biotics: generic or scientifically documented, from referenced to niche suppliers - Large, medium, and small batches: MOQ, lead times and controlled costs -Management of packaging items: boxes, blisters, pillboxes, bottles, bottle tops, etc.
STICKS : Manufacturing of food supplement with biotics in Full-service

STICKS : Manufacturing of food supplement with biotics in Full-service

A complete FULL-SERVICE OFFER for food supplement with biotics in STICKS - Tailor-made and ready-to-market formulas - Wide-ranging sourcing of biotics: generic or scientifically documented, from referenced to niche suppliers - Large, medium, and small batches: MOQ, lead times and controlled costs -Management of packaging items: boxes, sticks
BOTTLES : Manufacturing of food supplement with biotics in Full-service

BOTTLES : Manufacturing of food supplement with biotics in Full-service

A complete FULL-SERVICE OFFER for food supplement with biotics in BOTTLES With its innovative liquid (oily) form, EXDEN offers a practical galenic formulation that is suitable for both young consumers and adults - Tailor-made and ready-to-market formulas - Wide-ranging sourcing of biotics: generic or scientifically documented, from referenced to niche suppliers - Large, medium, and small batches: MOQ, lead times and controlled costs -Management of packaging items: boxes, bottles, bottle tops (different dropers available)
CAPSULES : Manufacturing of food supplement with biotics in Full-service

CAPSULES : Manufacturing of food supplement with biotics in Full-service

A complete FULL-SERVICE OFFER for food supplement with biotics in CAPSULES Availaible in : - Blisters - Pillboxes With its innovative liquid (oily) form, EXDEN offers a practical galenic formulation that is suitable for both young consumers and adults - Tailor-made and ready-to-market formulas - Wide-ranging sourcing of biotics: generic or scientifically documented, from referenced to niche suppliers - Large, medium, and small batches: MOQ, lead times and controlled costs -Management of packaging items: boxes, blisters, pillboxes
CHILDREN : Manufacturing of food supplement with biotics in Full-service

CHILDREN : Manufacturing of food supplement with biotics in Full-service

A complete FULL-SERVICE OFFER for food supplement with biotics for CHILDREN (Digestion, Immunity, Allergy, Colics...) - Tailor-made and ready-to-market formulas - Available in : - Capsules (in blisters or bottles) - Powder in sticks - Oily bases in bottles with droper - Wide-ranging sourcing of biotics: generic or scientifically documented, from referenced to niche suppliers - Large, medium, and small batches: MOQ, lead times and controlled costs -Management of packaging items: boxes, blisters, pillboxes, bottles, bottle tops, etc.
WEIGHT MANAGEMENT : Manufacturing of food supplement with biotics in Full-service

WEIGHT MANAGEMENT : Manufacturing of food supplement with biotics in Full-service

A complete FULL-SERVICE OFFER for food supplement with biotics for WEIGHT MANAGEMENT - Tailor-made and ready-to-market formulas - Available in : - Capsules (in blisters or bottles) - Powder in sticks - Oily bases in bottles with droper - Wide-ranging sourcing of biotics: generic or scientifically documented, from referenced to niche suppliers - Large, medium, and small batches: MOQ, lead times and controlled costs -Management of packaging items: boxes, blisters, pillboxes, bottles, bottle tops, etc.
INTIMATE COMFORT : Manufacturing of food supplement with biotics in Full-service

INTIMATE COMFORT : Manufacturing of food supplement with biotics in Full-service

A complete FULL-SERVICE OFFER for food supplement with biotics for INTIMATE COMFORT (Vaginal candidasis, Bacterial vaginosis...) - Tailor-made and ready-to-market formulas - Available in : - Capsules (in blisters or bottles) - Powder in sticks - Oily bases in bottles with droper - Wide-ranging sourcing of biotics: generic or scientifically documented, from referenced to niche suppliers - Large, medium, and small batches: MOQ, lead times and controlled costs -Management of packaging items: boxes, blisters, pillboxes, bottles, bottle tops, etc.
MENTAL HEALTH : Manufacturing of food supplement with biotics in Full-service

MENTAL HEALTH : Manufacturing of food supplement with biotics in Full-service

A complete FULL-SERVICE OFFER for food supplement with biotics for MENTAL HEALTH (Stress, Cognition, Mood, Sleep...) - Tailor-made and ready-to-market formulas - Available in : - Capsules (in blisters or bottles) - Powder in sticks - Oily bases in bottles with droper - Wide-ranging sourcing of biotics: generic or scientifically documented, from referenced to niche suppliers - Large, medium, and small batches: MOQ, lead times and controlled costs -Management of packaging items: boxes, blisters, pillboxes, bottles, bottle tops, etc.
SKIN : Manufacturing of food supplement with biotics in Full-service

SKIN : Manufacturing of food supplement with biotics in Full-service

A complete FULL-SERVICE OFFER for food supplement with biotics for SKIN - Tailor-made and ready-to-market formulas - Available in : - Capsules (in blisters or bottles) - Powder in sticks - Oily bases in bottles with droper - Wide-ranging sourcing of biotics: generic or scientifically documented, from referenced to niche suppliers - Large, medium, and small batches: MOQ, lead times and controlled costs -Management of packaging items: boxes, blisters, pillboxes, bottles, bottle tops, etc.
ORAL HEALTH : Manufacturing of food supplement with biotics in Full-service

ORAL HEALTH : Manufacturing of food supplement with biotics in Full-service

A complete FULL-SERVICE OFFER for food supplement with biotics for ORAL HEALTH - Tailor-made and ready-to-market formulas - Available in : - Capsules (in blisters or bottles) - Powder in sticks - Oily bases in bottles with droper - Wide-ranging sourcing of biotics: generic or scientifically documented, from referenced to niche suppliers - Large, medium, and small batches: MOQ, lead times and controlled costs -Management of packaging items: boxes, blisters, pillboxes, bottles, bottle tops, etc.
IMMUNITY : Manufacturing of food supplement with biotics in Full-service

IMMUNITY : Manufacturing of food supplement with biotics in Full-service

A complete FULL-SERVICE OFFER for food supplement with biotics for IMMUNITY (Immune defenses, Allergy, Inflammation...) - Tailor-made and ready-to-market formulas - Available in : - Capsules (in blisters or bottles) - Powder in sticks - Oily bases in bottles with droper - Wide-ranging sourcing of biotics: generic or scientifically documented, from referenced to niche suppliers - Large, medium, and small batches: MOQ, lead times and controlled costs -Management of packaging items: boxes, blisters, pillboxes, bottles, bottle tops, etc.


Eine Pivot-Tür zeichnet sich durch eine nach innen versetzte Schwenkachse aus und ermöglicht so, auch große Flügelbreiten elegant zu öffnen. Der größere Teil der Tür wird dabei nach innen geöffnet und der schmalere Teil schwingt nach außen. Die Türen werden aus hochwärme gedämmten Profilen gefertigt und sind mit Bodentürschließern oder FritzJurgens-Pivotschließern versehen, die vollständig in die Tür integriert werden. Außerdem besteht die Möglichkeit, die Türen automatisch zu öffnen und zu schließen. Die Türfüllungen können in Aluminium, Glas oder Holz ausgeführt werden.